The Romalotti family is a fictional family from the CBS Daytime soap opera, The Young and the Restless. The Romalottis are a minor family within the series. The family is known for the rock star music career of Danny. His sister, Gina, is known for running Gina's Italian Restaurant and the Genoa City Athletic Club. Danny and Gina's father, Rex, was known for his involvement in the feud between Katherine Chancellor and Jill Abbott.
Family Members[]
First Generation[]
- Rex Sterling (born Brian Romalotti; deceased) - Father of Gina and Danny.
Second Generation[]
- Gina Roma - Daughter of Rex.
- Danny Romalotti - Son of Rex.
Third Generation[]
- Daniel Romalotti - Adopted son of Danny. Biological son of Phyllis Summers.
Fourth Generation[]
- Lucy Romalotti - Daughter of Daniel and Daisy Carter.
Most related families |
Summers family • Carter family • Fisher family |