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Jill Foster Abbott
Jess Walton as Jill Foster Abbott
The Young and the Restless
Portrayed by Brenda Dickson (1973-1980, 1983-1987)
Bond Gideon (1980)
Deborah Adair (1980-1983, Temp. 1986)
Jess Walton (1987-)
Current status Present, Recurring
Duration 1973-
First appearance March 26, 1973
Introduced by William J. Bell
Family Abbott family, Atkinson family, Fenmore family, Foster family
Other names {{{othernames}}}
Gender Female
Born September 29, 1957
Age 66
Occupation Businesswoman
Residence Genoa City, Wisconsin
Parents Neil Fenmore
Siblings Lauren Fenmore (paternal half)
Spouses Brock Reynolds (1975)
Phillip Chancellor II (1975)
Stuart Brooks (1977)
Derek Thurston (1978)
John Abbott (1982-1986, 1993-1996)
Rex Sterling (1992)
Colin Atkinson (2011, 2014-2019)
Romances David Mallory
Steven Williams
Jack Abbott
Andy Richards
Brad Carlton
Marc Mergeron
Blade Bladeson
Victor Newman
David Kimble
Jed Sanders
Michael Crawford
John Silva
Keith Dennison
Sean Bridges
Larry Warton
Elliot Hampton
William Bardwell
Ji Min Kim
Tucker McCall
Children Phillip Chancellor III
Billy Abbott
Grandchildren Chance Chancellor
Johnny Abbott
Delia Abbott
Katie Newman
Nieces and
Scotty Grainger
Fenmore Baldwin

Jill Foster Abbott Fenmore (previously Chancellor, Reynolds, Brooks, Thurston, Sterling and Atkinson) is a fictional character on The Young and the Restless, portrayed by Jess Walton since June 1987.


Jill is the birth daughter of Neil Fenmore and unknown woman. She was born September 29, 1957, the same day as the son of Katherine Chancellor. She has one half sister, Lauren Fenmore.

When she was young, Jill was working as a manicurist and a hairdresser. Later, she became friends with Katherine Chancellor and was employed as her paid companion. Jill and Katherine's friendship turned to animosity as they fought over men, including Katherine's husband Phillip Chancellor II. Jill and Phillip engaged in sex resulting in a pregnancy. Phillip divorced Katherine and planned to marry Jill. While giving Phillip a ride in her car, Katherine begged him for a second chance.

He refused. She slammed her foot down on the gas pedal and the car plunged off the road and over a cliff. Phillip was rushed to the hospital where, on his deathbed, he married Jill. The marriage was declared invalid thanks to Katherine who then kicked the Fosters off of the Chancellor Estate. She offered Jill $1 million in exchange for the baby she was carrying. Jill agreed in order to ensure a better life for the child. She later rejected the offer and had the money returned after giving birth to her son, Phillip Chancellor III in 1976.


In 1980, Jill went to work for Jabot Cosmetics. Jabot's owner, John Abbott, was impressed by Jill's abilities, and quickly promoted her to head of merchandising. Around that time, she met Jack Abbott, John's son. John and Jill became romantically involved. They broke up after she cheated on him with his son. She filed a sexual harassment suit against Jack when he would not be with her and he had to pay a $10,000 settlement. John and Jill later reunited and married.

She cheated on him again with Jack. This time Katherine got a hold of pictures of their tryst. She showed them to John, who then suffered a stroke. He divorced Jill. Not long after, Jill was found in her shower, bleeding from a gunshot wound. The three main suspects were John, Jack, and Katherine. Jack finally confessed to the crime in order to prevent his affair with Jill from becoming public. The real culprit was Sven Petersen, a masseur at the Genoa City Hotel.

He had been rejected by Jill earlier in the night, and after getting drunk stole the gun from Gina's Restaurant. Sven kidnapped Jill and locked her in a meat freezer. Jack came to her rescue. Sven escaped to Mexico, but Jack was cleared of all charges. Jill and Katherine then fought over Jill's son, Philip, who was now a teenager. Phillip turned to drinking. He fought his alcoholism with help from both Katherine and Jill, along with Christine Blair.

His drinking led him to engage in a one night stand with Nina Webster. Nina became pregnant with Phillip's child and gave birth to Chance Chancellor aka Phillip Chancellor IV. Phillip later died in a car crash while he was driving under the influence (or so it was believed at the time). As part of one of her more devious schemes, Jill hired a con man named Brian Romalotti, whom she dressed up as a wealthy man and rechristened "Rex Sterling". Jill's plan backfired, though, because Katherine Chancellor and Rex eventually fell in love for real.


Rex Sterling soon got annoyed by Katherine Chancellor's behavior. However, Katherine was gone--replaced by her look-a-like Marge Cotroke.

Jill convinced Rex to divorce Katherine and marry her, which he did in 1991. However, Jill began seeing John Abbott again and Katherine returned. Katherine and Rex remarried. Unfortunately, their romance ended tragically when Rex spooked a prowler in the middle of the night and was subsequently shot. Soon after, Jill began an affair with Victor Newman and Jill assumed she would certainly be the next Mrs. Newman. Hapless Jill, no more than shared her elation at the prospect with Jack Abbott, than Victor let her know that she was just a fling and he had no real intentions where she was concerned.

Mortified, Jill quickly found her way back into John's heart and they remarried much to his children's dismay. Jill wanted to have a baby though John felt he was too old. But Jill managed to get pregnant before John got a secret vasectomy. When he discovered she was already pregnant, he insisted she have an abortion but Jill couldn't do it. John did wonder if the baby, named Billy Abbott, might actually be Victor's, since he knew they had been together earlier.

Katherine's Death and Resurrection[]

In November 2008, Katherine Chancellor was believed to have died in a car crash. However, the true victim was her look-a-like Marge Cotroke. Due to the Abbott family and Jeffrey Bardwell and Gloria Bardwell, Chancellor lost control of Jabot, resulting in the firings of Jill and Cane. Jill and Victor Newman formulated a plan to destroy Jack and return control of Jabot back to Chancellor Industries.

In late December 2008, Katherine finally regained enough memories to realize she was the real Katherine Chancellor, not Marge. She convinced Patrick Murphy to take her to the Chancellor Estate. He did and, minutes after she arrived, Jill also arrived and was obviously shocked to see her. After the shock wore off, however, Jill was convinced that Katherine was Marge seeing as Jill remembered Marge from years ago. Katherine, having little memory, couldn't disprove Jill's theory and was arrested for both trespassing and fraud. Upon encountering Gloria at the jail, Kay remembered an incident with her.

Jill's Mother and Delia[]

On March 12, 2009, Kay had more people than just Amber Moore and Murphy believing in her true identity; she also has Nikki Newman who finally believed her. Katherine left Genoa City once again when the second DNA tests came in saying she and Jill were not mother and daughter. In return for the Jabot Cosmetics shares which Victor Newman purchased from Gloria, Jill allowed the corpse buried in Katherine's grave to be exhumed and it was subjected to a third DNA test.

Ultimately, Jill's DNA matched neither the corpse nor Katherine (whom Jill believed to be Marge). Thus, Katherine's claim about her true identity was bolstered and it was proven conclusively that Katherine and Jill were not biological mother and daughter after all.

Delia was born at the Abbott Cabin on February 16, 2009, after Chloe Mitchell followed Billy and Lily Winters there and became trapped there because of a blizzard. Ultimately, Jill's DNA matched neither the corpse's nor Katherine's (whom Jill believed to be Marge). Thus, Katherine's claim about her true identity was bolstered and it was conclusively proven that Jill was not Katherine's biological daughter after all. After a final pair of DNA tests between Katherine and her son Brock Reynolds were a match, not even Jill could deny the truth any longer.

Jill's Gift[]

For Christmas, Jill gave Katherine Chancellor a gift which was the name of the child she had given up for adoption some 50 years ago. Katherine didn't want to open the box because she thought of Jill as her real daughter. After Jill begged her, she finally opened the box to find the name JoJo Glover and flew to where her daughter was living in South Dakota. When they found her, she was a drunk and a bounty hunter. Katherine and Jill flew back to Genoa City with JoJo and she caused lots of trouble from the minute she arrived.

Liz's Confession[]

On June 14, 2010, Jill received word that Liz Foster had fallen ill on her flight to Genoa City. After being admitted to the hospital, Jill reunited with Liz as well as her adoptive brother, Snapper Foster, who had been given permission to treat Liz at Genoa City Memorial Hospital. As Liz took a turn for the worse, she confessed to Snapper that she had been aware of the identity of Jill's biological father for quite some time (presumably con woman Charlotte Ramsey also had prior knowledge). Liz revealed him to be Neil Fenmore, the father of Lauren Fenmore.

Knowing she was dying, Liz told Snapper the truth about Jill's birth family. Liz soon succumbed to her illness and passed away on June 18, 2010, with Jill, Snapper and Greg by her side. After Liz died, Snapper told Jill informed Jill of her true parentage. Jill stumbled to Lauren's door where she explained that she and Lauren shared the same father, Neil Fenmore. Lauren refused to believe it and insisted on a DNA test which confirmed that they were indeed sisters.

Lauren's Sister[]

Lauren Fenmore didn't want to have a sisterly relationship with Jill but Jill decided to legally change her last name to Fenmore, much to Lauren's chagrin. Lauren's constant rejection of Jill's attempts to forge a sisterly relationship between them hurt Jill deeply because she really wanted to get to know Lauren, be a part of her life and her family's life. Jill also hoped that this wasn't the beginning of another feud similar to the one she had with Katherine Chancellor but it was starting to look that way.

The feud got even worse when Jill filed a lawsuit asking for a portion of the Fenmore estate. Despite Michael's attempts to get them to at least talk, Lauren had no intention of ever accepting Jill as a sister. Lauren finally gave in to Jill's demands and gave her half of Fenmore's. Jill took full advantage of that and started running the company the way she wanted to completely undermining Lauren's authority.. Later, Jill was left in charge of Fenmore's Boutique due to Lauren's absence. When Lauren came back to the store, Lauren and Jill found some common ground when it came to discussing business.

Katherine's death, Colin returns, reclaiming Chancellor Industries[]

In 2013, Katherine passed away, and Jill took her death very hard. Katherine left Jill a music box, and some clues. Jill went on a journey and was reunited with Colin. They remarried and Jill returned with Colin. Colin worked with Jill to decipher Katherine's clues. Jill found a blue necklace that Katherine and left for her, and Colin otter to steal it to pay back some guys he owned money to. Colin eventually came to clean to Jill, and she agreed to help him. They created a forgery to give to the guys, but they eventually found out the truth and threatened Colin.

Jill decided she wanted to run Chancellor industries, and attempted to buy it back from Victor, Colin blackmailed Devon for the money to buy back Chancellor, but Victor wouldn't budge. Jill vowed she wouldn't rest until she got control of Chancellor. Victor ultimately decided to sell Chancellor and told Jill to get the money ready.

On a business trip to Chicago, Neil revealed he had regained his eyesight, and exposed Devon and Hilary Curtis' affair. He also revealed that Cane and Colin knew about it, and Jill realized Colin had been blackmailing Devon. The plane crashed due to the storm, leaving everyone injured and disoriented. Lily was missing, so Cane went to find her; and Hilary was trapped under debris. They got a fire going while Neil and Devon worked to free Hilary. Colin found Neil's briefcase, and opened it. In it were divorce papers and photos of Neil's family. Neil said that they can burn all the photos, except the ones of him and Lily. Cane returns with Lily in his arms, but she is still mad at those that lied to her. Devon eventually decides to go for help. Colin gives him a map he found for Devon to use. Devon asks Lily to take care of Hilary, and tells Neil that he is going to spend the rest of his life making this up to him. Neil takes the map and leaves to get help himself.
