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Dr. Caspary
Dr. caspary
Jacqueline Hahn as Dr. Caspary
The Bold and the Beautiful
Portrayed by Jacqueline Hahn
Current status Former, Recurring
Duration 2005-2013, 2017
Gender Female
Occupation General Doctor
Residence Los Angeles, California

Dr. Caspary is one of the main doctors in the show's local hospital in Los Angeles. Dr. Caspary is most involved with the Logan/Forrester family when they're in need of medical attention. She is portrayed by Jacqueline Hahn.

Storylines []

Dr. Caspary has been with many characters within the show The Bold and the Beautiful. She had treated Caroline Spencer II when Caroline's uncle Bill Spencer Jr. shoved her off a balcony and Rick Forrester, Caroline's boyfriend, was also there for to support her.

Dr. Caspary was in the hospital room with Steffy Forrester and Taylor Hamilton when Steffy was being examined and told them Steffy was pregnant. Steffy then had a miscarriage.

When Katie Logan yelled at Steffy saying that Liam should be with her niece Hope Logan, Steffy fainted. Katie took Steffy to Dr. Caspary and Dr. Caspary told Steffy there was a tear in her body and she couldn't have kids anymore. Steffy later left for Paris, France, miserable from bot being able to have kids with Liam Spencer.

Dr. Caspary came with a clipboard and papers and told Brooke Logan she was pregnant while in menopause. Brooke was confused because she was pregnant by Bill, Katie's husband. Dr. Caspary then told Brooke that it's common for some women to be pregnant in menopause. Later, Brooke fainted trying to tell Bill and Katie. Bill and Katie took Brooke back to the hospital. Dr. Caspary told Brooke in private that Brooke had a miscarriage.

When Taylor was in the hospital, and Dr. Caspary left, Taylor read through Brooke's files and found out she had a miscarriage. Brooke didn't have to tell Bill or Katie until Taylor blurted it out at Brooke's birthday party at Bill and Katie's house. Bill and Katie eventually got divorced.

Liam couldn't stop thinking why Steffy left, so he went to Dr. Caspary to find out. Dr. Caspary told him that's only between Steffy and her and she couldn't tell him. But she did suggest he go to Paris and ask Steffy to explain what happened. Liam did and she told him and he returned home to restart his relationship with his girlfriend Hope Logan (Brooke's daughter) but she was partly in a relationship with Wyat Fuller, who turned out to be Liam's half-brother.

Steffy came back to L.A. for a doctor's appointment with Dr. Caspary. When Steffy flew back to Paris, Dr. Caspary gave her a call letting her know the procedure worked and Steffy could conceive full term again. Wyatt's mother Quinn Fuller overhears this call and being with Steffy on the Forrester jet tries to convince Steffy to return to Liam to break the engagement of Liam and Hope so Wyatt can have Hope.
