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Carmen Arena
Carmen Arena
Gladise Jiminez as Carmen Arena
The Bold and the Beautiful
Portrayed by Gladise Jimenez
Current status Former, Contract
Duration 2000-2001
First appearance Nov 2, 2000
Last appearance Jan 26, 2001
Cause/reason death
Family Arena
Gender Female
Died January 26, 2001
Age 26
Cause of death fell from the roof
Romances Deacon Sharpe

Carmen Arena is a fictional character on The Bold and the Beautiful, portrayed by Gladise Jimenez from Nov 2, 2000 to Jan 26, 2001.


Carmen Arena was the girlfriend of Deacon Sharpe. Deacon took custody of Little Eric and raised him at an apartment over his new nightclub, The Lair, with his girlfriend, Carmen. Little Eric nearly lost his life in the wars between Carmen and Amber Moore. Carmen was incredibly jealous of the relationship between Amber and Deacon, which was a direct result of Amber's frequent visits to see the little boy she loved. Carmen took Little Eric up to the roof one night with the intent of tossing him off, but Deacon convinced her not to. When Carmen tried to kill Amber, she ended up going over the roof when Amber defended herself.

