TheBoldandtheBeautiful Wiki
TheBoldandtheBeautiful Wiki

Welcome to The Bold and the Beautiful Wiki![]

Welcome to the collaborative database where you can find out anything The Bold and the Beautiful. Here we have character articles, actors and actresses, locations, business, couples and more! The history of all the storylines of B&B is right here among us!

Encouraged Interaction[]

This wiki is a social, interactive site where we encourage all users to communicate and enjoy the wiki. Each user has a message wall in which other users can leave each other a message to contact another user. We also have forum in which anybody can start on which is an open discussion about any topic either on the show or about the wiki. We also have a Live! chat open on the wiki where users can enter to chat amongst each other and communicate. Comment sections are also available for users to insert their opinions about the subject of the article.

Wiki Guidelines[]

  • There shall be no profanity. Please go easy on the language. Swearing never helps anything. There are always better words to substitute.
  • There shall be no prejudice on the wiki. This includes: racism, sexism, ageism, or prejudice against religion.
  • Restrain from engaging in edit wars or flame wars with another user.
  • If one deletes another's edit, please state why in the summary box.
  • No plagiarism from other sites, this includes Wikipedia.
  • Do not delete somebody else's edit unless it is incorrect or biased.
  • Personal opinion is not allowed on articles. Keep the information factual
  • Opinions in comments, forums, message walls are fine, but please don't bash the actors or actresses. They have to play the part they are assigned.
  • Treat all users with respect as you would want in return.
  • Spam is not allowed.
  • If any situation gets out of hand, please contact the admin.
  • If you have a problem with somebody else's edits please confront them directly first.
  • We have eliminated the birthdates of the characters because of the conflict it has caused multiple of times. Things change on the soaps all the time, the characters are SORASED all the time, so the ages of the characters are unrealistic at times so we no longer input the birthdates.


  • If a user breaks a rule, they will get a warning. If they continue to break the rule and disregard their warning, they will receive a temporary ban. If they return after the ban and continue to misbehave, they will receive a permanent ban.
  • If an edit or flame war arises, I will talk to both users.